ALC – Understanding our Movement


[image description: black and white photo of four African American women standing in a doorway, smiling. They are wearing 1960’s style dresses.  White card below the photo shows black text: ROSIE HEAD and ELESE GALLION (the two women on the right, standing in the center door after the April 1969 Freedom Democratic Party Countywide Meeting) were among the first five Milestone young adults to staff the Community Center.  Both were in their twenties when the Movement and outside workers sparked them.  Bothe were living with their parents (Rosie also with her children) when the Greenwood meetings started.  Elese attended the 1963 meetings, worked with the ’64 outside volunteers, then trained to run the center in 1965. Work at the Community Center included running programs for children, coordinating health, clothing and welfare programs, responding to harassment, legal and emergency issues and voter registration.]