News & Events

Sexism and Backlash

The recent historic space probe landing shows how far we have progressed. The sexism and backlash that followed shows how far we have not. Sharing this great article addressing scientist Matt Taylor’s shirt and the nation’s response.

[image: White person with a brown beard and glasses, tattoos on right arm, standing in front of a blown up image of the probe landing on a comet. The person is wearing a bowling shirt with pin-up style drawings of partially naked women]

Transformative Justice

[click “i” at top right in YouTube for description & transcription]

Deaf Survivors deserve a 24/7 ASL Hotline

Help us ensure the National Deaf Hotline Center that is fully staffed by Deaf advocates ready to communicate with Deaf domestic violence and sexual assault survivors 24/7. You can take action by donating here and sharing this post.

Innovations in DVSV Conference

DeafHope was thrilled to participate in the Contra Costa County Innovations conference today. Connected with some fabulous people engaged in new approaches to ending violence. We are looking forward to working closely with the West Contra Costa Family Justice Center!


[image: collage of three photos. Top photo says “Innovations and Best Practices in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Response. November 5, 2014. Pleasant Hill Community Center. West Contra Costa Family Justice Center, STAND! Zero Tolerance.” Bottom left image shows an Asian woman standing with a microphone in front of windows, brown beam ceiling and a square chandelier. Bottom right image shows a white flipchart paper with words Language Access Interpreters.]

Enjoying the Fall Picnic!


[image: Aracelia and Amber smiling into the camera. Amber is wearing sunglasses. Aracelia is wearing a Berkeley tshirt.]

Domestic Violence: What is it?

An interview with a Deaf survivor.

[thumbnail: two women sitting in front of a dark background. Both are signing]

Follow our social media for posts on upcoming community events or trainings.  DeafHope is on Facebook and Instagram.